Challenge: Engaging residents to identify locations and potential improvements for public spaces, such as streets and parks. The project required that the engagement reach six diverse neighbourhoods. Equity was a key goal to ensure that each neighbourhood would have access to the same budget for capital improvements.
Outcomes: Beautiful Streets and Spaces successfully engaged a cross section of residents across six neighbourhoods to identify key projects to improve their neighbourhoods. It included prioritizing small scale capital projects, such as greening of bump outs, new or improved park play equipment, improved lighting, green solutions for barriers between cycling path and road traffic, as well as an extensive street tree program. Neighbourhood specific results reports were produced and the final list of projects were submitted into the following year’s capital budget for implementation.
Recognition: Award of Excellence, Visions and Plans, HUDAA Urban Design and Architecture Awards
Tools: Project Portal, CivicSurveys, Experience Mapping, Engagement Dashboard