Thank you for your continued participation with the Daily School Route.
Last school year, Strathcona families shared how they travel to school – including the routes they take, and the reasons why walk, bike, drive, or take the bus. These routes will be investigated for safety improvements, and wayfinding materials will be installed to help students get to school.
We are excited to continue working together this year!
On October 25, students are encouraged to walk/roll to school. We recognize that this is not possible for every family to do. Those who cannot walk/roll the whole way are asked to park 5+ minutes from school and walk/roll the rest of the way. Doing this will create a safer arrival/dismissal for all students and give everyone the opportunity to experience active transportation.
The streets directly outside of our school are part of our Student Safety Zone. All Strathcona students walk/wheel in this area during their arrival and dismissal. All of us have a role to play in supporting the health and safety of students arriving to/departing from our school. Please complete this 2-minute survey, which asks about your school travel routine and potential alternative dropoff/pickup locations that support safe arrival/dismissal.